Estimation property in Brussels City (1000)

The real estate market in Brussels City

Real estate price in Brussels City

Price estimation for 01 January 2025 Average price per m² Average price per m²

Price evolution in Brussels City

Type of properties

Minimum livable surface

Number of rooms

Why estimate your property through Immoweb

More than 30.000 users made their estimation through Immoweb

A correct price

Every sale starts with a good estimate, which means finding the right selling price for your property. Our estimation tool gives you an initial price range based on various criteria such as surface area, location, number of bedrooms or even the PEB score of of your property.

A free, online valuation

The valuation of your property is carried out online, is 100% free and takes just a few minutes. Once you've entered the basic information about your property, an estimate will be sent directly to your inbox in just a few minutes, with no obligation on your part.

A guaranteed easier sale through a trusted real estate agent

Once you've completed your estimate, we'll suggest a list of real estate agents who are best suited to your project, depending on the type of property and your region. Thanks to the expertise of these professionals, you'll be able to determine the best price together, and let us guide you through the process of selling your property.

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