Our terms of use
The Immoweb.be website and Immoweb application (hereinafter referred to as 'the Platform') are managed by Immoweb SA/NV, whose registered office is situated at Rue aux Laines, 70 - 1000 Brussels, Belgium and whose VAT number is BE0429.223.614
The sole fact of using the Platform means that you agree in full and irrevocably to the Terms of Use hereinafter.
Immoweb SA/NV reserves the right to amend these terms at any time and without notice. We therefore advise you to consult them regularly.
« Content » any content posted on the Website or the Application by a third party to the Company, intended for the public and likely to be reported by a User or a Recipient of the Service. This includes in particular the content of real estate advertisements, the content of Advertisers' pages, advertisements and comments.
« Digital Services Act », in short “DSA”, means Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 October 2022 on a Single Market For Digital Services and amending Directive 2000/31/EC
« Illegal Content » any information which, in itself or in relation to an activity, including the sale of products or the provision of services, does not comply with Union law or the law of a Member State which complies with European Union law, whatever the precise purpose or nature of that law, in accordance with the Digital Services Act.
« Owner » is a private person or legal entity who owns a property that can potentially be sold or rented out.
« Seeker »is a private person or legal entity who is looking for a property to buy or to rent.
« Seller »is a private person or legal entitiy who aims to sell a property.
« User » is a natural person or legal entity who is making use of the services and products offered by Immoweb SA/NV and Immoweb Financial Services SA/NV (ie. by publishing advertisements, by reacting to advertisements, by using the estimation tool , the Plato tool, etc;.. ), in particular for the purposes of seeking information or for making it accessible.
II. Conditions for all Users
Immoweb SA/NV is the owner of intellectual property on or licensee of the intellectual rights relating to all content included on the Platform, including text, graphics, logos, buttons, images, HTML code, databases and icons. Immoweb SA is protected by intellectual property rights, such as copyright and the rights of the producer of a database and the various tools made available to the User.
The appearance of the Platform (layout, choice and arrangement of the various sections, organisation of data, etc.) is protected by copyright law. Immoweb SA/NV prohibits the extraction and/or reuse of the whole or of any part of the content that is substantial on a qualitative or quantitative basis. The Belgian law of 31 August 1998 on the legal protection of a database (transposing European Directive No 96/9/EC) states that violation of these rights may lead to fines of up to € 500,000 and, in the event of a repetition of the offence, up to two years imprisonment.
Immoweb SA/NV expressly prohibits the automated or systematic reading or copying of the Platform in whole or in part (images, data, etc.) for any purpose and in any way whatsoever, and regardless of the technical means used (such as scraping, etc.). This includes, among others, the automated scraping or any other use of any content on the Platform for the training of artificial intelligence or similar technologies.
Immoweb SA/NV exercises its right to opposition to text and data mining.
For the purpose of this clause “text and data mining” means any automated analytical technique aimed at analyzing text and data in digital form in order to generate information which includes but is not limited to patterns, trends and correlations.
The opposition applies to all the contents, datas and websites to which Immoweb SA/NV provides access. To this end, Immoweb SA/NV expressly refuses in a general and non-exhaustive manner, the use of its content for:
the data mining, data gathering or extraction method;
the development and training of artificial intelligence system;
the development of any software program.
Immoweb SA/NV herewith grants the User of the Platform a non-exclusive, non-transferable license, revocable at any time without grounds, to access the content of the Platform, display it and download it solely for the purposes of noting its content, this being on one computer only. The User may print out a copy of the content displayed on the Platform, solely for his/her personal use, provided he/she does not in any way alter the content of the Platform and keeps the Platform's mentions of authorship and origin. Reproduction is therefore authorized only for the purposes of private use and private copy as defined by copyright law.
Some of the names, signs and logos on the Platform are registered trademarks or trade names belonging to Immoweb SA/NV or their respective owners. Save with the express advance authorization of the owners, including Immoweb SA/NV, any use of the names, trademarks and logos and/or unlawful use of similar signs is prohibited.
Any copy, translation, adaptation, modification or use whatsoever of the whole or of any protected item of this platform, in any form and by any means, is strictly prohibited without the advance written consent of Immoweb SA/NV. Any commercial use of the content of the Platform is strictly prohibited.
Save with express refusal, for which reasons need not be given, the creation of a hyperlink to the homepages of the Platform is permitted. Any hyperlink to an internal page is therefore prohibited, save with the express advance authorization of Immoweb SA/NV.
Immoweb SA/NV shall not be liable towards visitors to the Platform for any claim or action brought against them by a third party who claims that the use of any of the content, products or services accessible on this platform infringes that third party's intellectual property rights.
Some of the advertisements contain access maps to help you find the exact location of the property you are seeking. We inform you that these access maps are the exclusive property of the companies Market-IP and Google with which Immoweb SA/NV has concluded an agreement for the supply of cartographic services. These maps may not be reproduced unless for making copies and for private use only. They may not be modified, translated, rented or published for commercial purposes: any act performed in violation of this rule constitutes a breach of Market-IP's copyright and of these Terms of Use. It is possible that the situation plans contain errors or inaccuracies. Neither Immoweb SA/NV nor Market-IP or Google can on any account be held liable for mistakes or inaccuracies that might be contained in these maps.
The Digital Services Act is an EU Regulation that aims to create a safer and more open online environment . It aims to protect the digital space against the spread of Illegal Content and to ensure the protection of the user’s fundamental right.
Immoweb SA/NV has appointed :
Single point of contact for authorities: contact.dsa@aviv-group.com
Official languages: French, English, German, Dutch
Single point of contact for service recipients:
In its capacity as host of advertisements that are published under the exclusive responsibility of Advertisers, Immoweb SA/NV cannot materially organize a general surveillance of the advertisements and Content it hosts on the Platform and cannot determine whether or not they are legal.
However, in order to protect Users, Immoweb SA/NV has set up following mechanisms to combat Illegal Content.
1. Moderation measures
Immoweb SA/NV strictly prohibit any element which appears to be contrary to legal or regulatory provisions, to accepted standards of behaviour, or which is likely to cause offence to Users:
Any Content written in a foreign language containing terms or descriptions unrelated to the content offered;
Any Content containing terms or descriptions unrelated to the proposed content;
Any Content relating to a fictitious property or construction program;
Any fraudulent Content, or Content intended to mislead the User;
Any Content of a political, religious or hate nature;
Any image or photograph unrelated to the proposed offer, unauthorized, infringing or pornographic.
Any Content that does not comply with the Publication Guidelines for Qualitative Advertisements of Immoweb SA/NV (Quality Charter)
The role of moderation teams involves :
Examination of reports made via the System for reporting illegal Content made available to Users and Advertisers of the Platform (and any complaints);
Examination of complaints made via the internal complaints processing system available to Users who have reported Content as illegal.
When the moderation teams become aware of a violation of the Terms of Use or of the presence of illicit Content, the following measures and decisions may be taken:
Temporary or permanent removal of the Content concerned from the Platform
Restriction of access to Services;
Temporary blocking or permanent deletion of the account holding the Content concerned or deemed fraudulent.
The moderation teams determine whether the Content and/or the account should be subject to a restriction based on the risk and seriousness it represents. They may restrict or delete Content or accounts after a single serious violation of the above-mentioned Rules, or if they determine that the account has published illegal content on several occasions, or filed several obviously unfounded reports or complaints.
3. Mechanisms for reporting illicit content
Any User may submit a report via the Platform in order to indicate Content considered illicit or contrary to the present Terms of use.
A reporting button is made available to Users close to the Content. This links to a questionnaire to be completed. Users must ensure that their report is as complete as possible. Reports are then examined by Immoweb SA/NV in due course.
By using this procedure, the User undertakes to submit reports in good faith and not to misuse the reporting or complaint procedures by making unfounded reports or calls.
Immoweb SA/NV reserves the right to take any measure to limit or prevent the processing of reports, and to suspend or even delete the accounts of persons who abuse the reporting mechanisms, in particular by submitting unfounded reports.
4. Internal complaints handling system
Users may contest the decision taken by Immoweb SA/NV in response to the report for a period of six (6) months from receipt of notification of the decision, by replying directly to the notification e-mail.
Such appeals will be forwarded to the moderation team, which will re-examine the Content in order to confirm or reject the decision.
5. Alternative dispute resolution
Users may also choose to contest the moderation decision taken by Immoweb SA/NV by submitting the dispute either to an alternative dispute resolution organization certified in accordance with the Digital Services Act, or to a court of competent jurisdiction.
6. Ranking and Recommendation Systems
For more information on the ranking and recommendation systems for ads and real estate professionals: https://www.immoweb.be/en/ranking-rules
Although we strive to make the Platform available to you 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, Immoweb SA/NV reserves the right, at any time and without notice, to interrupt access to the Platform for technical or other reasons and to stop offering our services. In this event we shall on no account be liable for these interruptions and for the consequences that might result for you or for any third party.
Immoweb SA/NV ensures as far as possible that the Platform and files that can be downloaded are free of bugs, viruses, Trojan horses, spyware and other malware or unauthorized software. However, there is still the possibility that these may be found. Immoweb SA/NV can on no account be held liable for any resulting damage and/or loss to the User. Immoweb SA/NV strenuously advises the User to install firewalls, antivirus software and other necessary protection software on his/her device.
On the Platform, you may find hyperlinks to third-party materials and websites operated by third parties. We are not liable for the content of such materials or websites or for their quality or accuracy. We should not be considered to be endorsing, publishing or authorizing such websites or materials. Therefore, please be warned that these sites are operated under the exclusive responsibility of their respective owners, who are solely liable for complying with laws and regulations applicable to the products and services sold on their websites, including without limitation consumer protection, distance selling, price display regulations, protection of personal data, etc.
Immoweb SA/NV reserves the unilateral right to prohibit access to all or part of the Platform to any individual or legal person:
- who would violate these Terms of Use
- who would use the personal data to which he/she can have access on the Platform to propose paid products or services or to send unsolicited emails to other Users of this site ("spamming") for any other commercial purpose or in any other unauthorized manner
- who would post false or illegal ads on the Platform
- who would harm the reputation of the Platform
- who would infringe third-party intellectual property rights
- who would use the Platform illegally
We also reserve the right to take such persons to court.
All text, data, photos, video, messages or other content posted on the Platform by Users are the sole responsibility of the person from whom such content originates. Immoweb SA/NV shall not be liable in any way for that content.
The User
- declares, agrees and guarantees that Immoweb SA/NV has the right to use, publish and exploit any content (text, image, information) that he/she posts on the Immoweb platform for the purpose of performing the service(s) requested by the User;
- grants the Platform a license for the uploaded content. This license is free, world-wide, non-exclusive, assignable and may be sub-licensed to enable Immoweb to use, publish and reproduce content during their operations and the promotion of their services and that of third parties, also including for the purposes mentioned in the next item;
- accepts that Immoweb SA/NV can use data to provide these services, including to create benchmarks or a history of sales and rentals and to create prospection maps; and to sell this data, after pseudonymization, to third parties.
The User undertakes not to upload or transmit materials that express a political opinion or that have a defamatory, racist or xenophobic connotation or incite discrimination, hatred or violence against a person, group, community or its members on the grounds of their alleged race, colour, ancestry or national or ethnic origin.
By the simple fact of using the Platform, you undertake to indemnify Immoweb SA/NV and its subsidiaries, managers, employees, partners and agents against any claim made by any third party against it arising out of any content whatsoever you submit to the Platform.
When using the Plato tool, Immoweb SA/NV can under no circumstances be held liable for the visit times entered by the real estate agent or by the property developer, for the data entered by the User when requesting an appointment, nor in the event of cancellation of an appointment by any party involved. The real estate agent or the property developer is fully and exclusively responsible for the use of the management of the Plato tool.
The User has the possibility to register on the Platform by filling out a form with your personal data. Your registration, subject to the privacy policy, enables you to have access to free services listed below. Whenever you leave your email address, we treat this as a request to receive our email-based information services and we will proactively inform you about topics which are of interest to you. Please note that these emails are not meant as marketing material, but as informative instruments.
Free services
- saving your search criteria for real estate;
- saving the properties you are interested in;
- adding a personal rating to the properties you are interested in;
- adding a personal comment to the properties you are interested in;
- the ability to simulate your monthly instalment for the properties you are interested in;
- noting the number of times that an ad has been viewed since its creation.
- receiving an email alert as soon as new properties matching your search criteria are posted on the Platform;
- receiving an alert as soon as a property you are interested in changes price;
- receiving newsletters and communications sent electronically or on paper containing information, invitations, surveys and competitions related to sales, rentals, moving house, mortgages, insurance, PEB certification, the monitoring of installations in the home (electricity, oil tanks, the presence of asbestos etc.) lease agreements, renovation, decoration and real estate in general.
Your password enabling you to be identified in order to benefit from these services is personal and confidential. You are solely responsible for its use and you undertake not to communicate it to any third party.
The User is fully and solely responsible for any activity carried out under his access code.
The Platform enables Users to explore a price map online which displays an average price per square meter in a given location and to get in touch with real estate professionals.
The average prices displayed for a given location are estimates only, with the aim of facilitating real estate projects and negotiations.
The estimated prices of properties shown on the Platform are automated estimates calculated by algorithms. Immoweb SA/NV cannot be held liable in any way for the accuracy of the information and data, or for the use that might be made of this information and data. To have a more accurate price estimate for your sales project, you can benefit from the Valuations and Services described below.
The Platform enables Users to make online appointments with real estate agents and property developers using the Plato tool (hereinafter referred to as Plato) who have chosen to activate the tool.
III. Conditions for Sellers and Owners
The User guarantees that any advertisements he publishes on the Platform meet the criteria for quality that a visitor can reasonably expect: the description of the property for sale or rent and the conditions of sale or rent must be accurate, clear and unambiguous. The description of the different elements must coincide with the fields provided. Immoweb SA/NV can withdraw false or misleading information at any time from the Immoweb platform, in accordance with the following section "Restrictions on publication of an advertisement".
The minimum required resolution for pictures is 1920x1080 pixels. In order to maintain quality service, Immoweb reserves the right to remove at any time blurred or unfocused photographs, photographs presenting a brand, logo, watermark or identifiable or unidentifiable persons, contact data, without compensation.
Immoweb SA/NV reserves the right to technically modify contents and particularly the content of advertisements (which may occur in the case of reutilization) for example to make them compatible for distribution via other channels, such as mobile phones.
By posting an ad on the Platform, the User agrees to only publish content (images, photos, etc.) that does not infringe any third-party rights, including intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright, related rights, trademark rights, patents, industrial design rights, trade name rights, database protection and know-how protection rights), morals or accepted standards of behaviour. The User agrees to 7 indemnify Immoweb SA.NV against any third-party action concerning the ad that you posted on the Immoweb platform.
Consult the general terms and conditions for the publication of a listing as a private individual
The price of an advertisement is set for publication of a specific property. The User may not change his/her ad by replacing one property with another. He/she must place a new ad at the price in force for the type of advertisement chosen. The User cannot claim a repayment, fully or partially, when he/she removes the ad from the Platform before the end of the publication period. This period was determined by the User when he/she placed the advertisement. The User accepts explicitly that once his/her ad is paid and placed on the Platform, he/she renounces every right of retraction and repayment, fully or partially, of this advertisement.
Immoweb S.A./N.V. reserves the unilateral right to refuse or deactivate any ad published on the Platform before the end of the publication period, without compensation, in the following cases:
- An advertisement relates to a property already sold or let;
- A descriptive text is contrary to these Terms of Use;
- Photos do not represent a property explicitly or represent property that is only on level two;
- An advertisement mentions the address of another website;
- An advertisement is misleading, e.g. in relation to its location,
or an ad is illegal
Immoweb S.A. provides tools to Owners and Sellers to estimate the price of a property and the ability to track changes in this price over time through regular e-mail updates.. An essential part of this service consists in putting the Owners and Sellers in contact with a real estate professional for free . All estimates obtained are for information purposes only. If the term valuate/valuation is used – it should be understood as estimate/estimation. When you have a concrete sales project, Immoweb will bring you in contact with a Real Estate Professional to support you in the refinement of the value of your property. Immoweb S.A. is not responsible and cannot be held liable for the services provided by a Real Estate Professional.
It should be noted that the advice given under this clause is provided for information purposes only and that no rights can be derived in the context of a current sale project or in the context of a future sale project.
V. Conditions for Seekers
The real estate advertisements posted on the Platform have been drafted with the utmost care and are regularly updated. However, neither Immoweb SA/NV (the Immoweb website manager) nor the person or organisation (estate agent, notary, developer or private individual) that sent us the advertisement can be held liable if errors have slipped into the content of the advertisementor if the property is no longer available when you read the ad. An advertisement does not constitute a legally binding offer. Before taking a decision (purchase, rent, etc.) concerning the property, Immoweb SA/NV therefore advises you to obtain confirmation directly from the estate agent, notary, developer or private individual who posted the advertisement that the property is still available and the information posted is correct and up to date.
Information on the Platform should always be treated as provisional and should always be checked with the estate agent, notary, developer or private individual who posted the advertisement, particularly with regard to the asking price.
Immoweb SA/NV can on no account be held liable for the legality, accuracy and the content of the ads placed on the Platform, nor for the quality of the properties and/or services promoted in these advertisements.
The Platform offers its Users tools for the simulation of certain financial aspects (debt calculation, acquisition costs, calculation of monthly payments, etc...). As an essential part of this service, the aim is to put the User in touch with a mortgage loan provider when the User leaves their phone number to do so. All resulting data are purely indicative. Immoweb SA/NV can on no account be held liable for the accuracy of such data.
Concerning acquisition costs, please consult your estate agent or your notary. Your notary can give you an accurate overview of various charges, fees and costs before signing the agreement. Concerning your loan, we advise you to contact your financial institution.
The fact that all or some of the foregoing provisions are null and void or unenforceable shall not make all these Terms of Use null and void. The 9 provision in question shall be deemed unwritten and the User agrees that Immoweb SA/NV may substitute this provision by another that fulfils as far as possible the same function.
Any dispute that might result from the use of the Platform shall be subject to Belgian law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Brussels courts.
Private persons who have a question and/or complaint relating to the services of Immoweb S.A. may contact our Customer Service.
The individual who wishes to use the "Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)" platform has access to it by clicking here.
- Coralie MATTELAER, certified mediator in civil and commercial
Rue du Congrès 35, 1000 Brussels - 02/793.10.11
Philipssite 5B bus 1 MC-Square, 3001 Leuven - 016/79.61.61
coralie.mattelaer@impactadvocaten.be - François LIGOT, certified mediator in civil and commercial matters
Place du Haut-Pré 10, 4000 Liège - 04/229.96.20