Hotel for sale


5 bedrooms 360 square meters

Immoweb code : 20438894
Immoweb code : 20438894


5 bedrooms
5 bathrooms
360 square meters livable space
143 square meters of land


Charmingly renovated B & B with residence, shop and trading

Charming Mansion House+Handelsfonds B&B Chocolaterie TearoomTownhouse with the possibility to take over the operation of Chocolaterie with tea room on the ground floor and B&B with 4 furnished rooms, named:“Le Moulin Noir” “Le Transatlantique” “Le Voyage” "Le 7ième Ciel”Acquisitions price of 2 trading funds:B&B 100,000 EUROCHOCOLATE SHOP 80,000 EURONEGOTIATION, PAYMENT POSSIBLE AS WELL AS PURCHASE ON AN ANNUITYHouse completely renovated!COMMERCIAL PROPERTY PARIS 1930S STYLE AND MODERN PRIVATE HOMEEverything renovated in style and tastefully!Unique purchase opportunity.

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