Covered parking space for rent

302€ per month

Immoweb code : 11491223
Immoweb code : 11491223



Parking To Let

Are you looking for a double garage in the center of Blankenberge? Then this garage box can offer you a solution. Located in the new-build Maple Leaf residence in the center of Blankenberge, we find these parking entities.

The double garage is located on the underground floor of the building, accessible via a ramp.

Don't hesitate and make your appointment now for more information.

Rental price is €250 + 21% VAT

*Only availability within the center
*Near the sea wall
*Automatic remote control
*New construction

1) Stedenbouwkundige bestemming
Wg: Woongebied
2) Beschermd erfgoed: neen
3) Geïnventariseerd erfgoed: niet van toepassing
4) Overstromingsrapport:
Perceelscore of P-score: D: middelgrote kans op overstromingen
Gebouwenscore of G-score: ONBEKEND
Ligging in Signaalgebied: neen
Ligging in afgebakende oeverzone of afgebakend overstromingsgebied: neen

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