Building land for sale


Immoweb code : 20146431
Immoweb code : 20146431

Contact the owner

Private Owner

Property published by a private owner



225 square meters of land
€ 884.00 m²


Unfortunately we did not receive an English translation for this text.

Fr :
Terrain rare sur la commune de Laeken près des transports publics, parc
Palfijn et commerces.
Orientation du terrain Ouest rue et Est jardin
Faire offre

Nl :
Een van de laatste grond in Laken in de buurt Palfijn, openbaar vervoer en handelaars.
Orientatie tuin oost, straat west.
Alle offerte is bespreekbaar


Available as of After signing the deed
Surroundings type Living area (residential, urban or rural)
Asbestos certificate is available Not specified


Surface of the plot 225 square meters
Land is facing street Yes
Wooded land No
Plot at rear No
Flat land Yes
Width of the lot on the street meters
Gas, water & electricity No

Town planning and risks

Type of building Apartment building
Total ground floor buildable 285 square meters
Obligation to build No
Subdivision permit No
Possible priority purchase right No
Proceedings for breach of planning regulations No
Flood zone type Non flood zone
Latest land use designation Mixed living area (accommodation & economic activities)


Asked price excluding notary fees (excluding eventual registration fees)

Price 199000 €
Price per m² 884 m²
Tenement building No

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