Building land for sale

Immoweb code : 20321771
Immoweb code : 20321771


800 square meters of land
€ 549.00 m²


Open bouwgrond

In Vriesdonk in a very quiet and child-friendly location, within walking distance of the shopping center De Donk, St. Michielscollege and St-Lutgardis.

This villa land has a street width of 20m and is 40m deep, total ca 800m².

Building regulations:
* Frontage line at 10m
* Building zone 12m wide by 12.45m deep = maximum building area, minimum building depth 9m
* Side gable line minimum 4m
* Flat (2 storeys) or pitched (3 storeys including 1 under pitched roof) roof allowed
* Maximum cornice height 7m
* Maximum ridge height for pitched roof 12m
* Basement allowed
* Existing driveway to be retained on left
* Possibility of retaining double garage at rear left. Remove gable roof and install flat roof on existing concrete.

* Subdivision application available with plans and regulations.
Subdivision approved with conditions.

Would you like more information or a visit? Contact us at 036466655 or [email protected]

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